Gino D’Antoni and Bruno Labouret, le magie del reale


The game, the vision, the dream, are unifying elements along Gino D’Antoni and Bruno Labouret’s creative paths. These artists have been living in Canton Ticino since many years and they love multiplying their existences among the countless spaces of the creative memory. The light of metamorphosis creates a wide spectrum of different shapes. As such, organic forms become abstract and an abstract form becomes a body. A plant transforms into an animal and organic entities gain the meaning of symbolic presences.

Through his colourful wooden, resin and chalk’s sculptures D’antoni transforms vivid memories of flowers and leaves into ancient totem. Surreal characters seek for a dialogue, a meeting point, a new identity. The music plays a strong and pervasive role in the representation of the feelings and the study of all his subjects.

A synthesis as harmonious metamorphosis drives the creative path of Bruno Labouret. As a fine watercolourist, he starts from a more objective, clear and representative reality, depicting a face, a character, a landscape, a lake, a tree, a house. But each of these being is transformed into a lyric, open and childlike vision, through the effervescent stamp of his watercolours. Like a juggler of shapes and colours, Labouret gives birth to a daily magic, charmed and lunar world.

As such, the artistic figures of D’antoni and Labouret meet on both an ideal and aesthetic level. This junction can happen among three-dimensional solid spaces, or see-through watercolours, sometimes among the relations of a real and a fictional universe, in a visionary world, which is clear and magic, concrete and impossible at the same time.

Paolo Repetto

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