Jean Fautrier

- Selected Work

Tempera on blotting paper
49,5 x 64 cm

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- Selected Works
- Biography
Jean Fautrier (Paris, May 16, 1898 – July 21, 1964).
At the age of ten years, with his mother, he moved to London where he enrolled at the Royal Academy and later at the Slade School of Art. At the Tate Gallery Fautrier discovers Turner’s paintings, which influence him deeply.
He exhibits and sells his works when he’s still young. At only 16 years Fautrier is called to war with the French troops but in 1921 he left the army due to health problems and takes up painting.He exhibited several times until the beginning of the Second World War during which, again, is committed to the resistance against the Germans. In 1943 he was arrested for a short period.
After this painful episode depicts one of the most famous courses, the Otages (hostages) that exposes by Drouin in 1945. His works do not meet with great success since they remember the hard times of war. Fautrier dedicate himself to the illustration of books for Gallimard (with whom he had already worked together before) and production of graphic works.
In 1955 he exhibited Les Objects at the Galerie Rive Droite of Paris and get a better success than ten years before.
From that moment, the work of Fautrier, thanks to the spread of Informal, get great awards and exhibitions are multiplying.
- Exhibitions
  • 2017

    Jean Fautrier. Texture and Light - Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris

  • 2014

    Jean Fautrier - NMAO National Museum of Art Osaka, Osaka
    Jean Fautrier - Tokyo Station Gallery, Tokyo

  • 2013

    Jean Fautrier - Galerie Haas AG, Zurich

  • 2006

    Jean Fautrier - Dessins des années 40 - Galerie Di Meo, Paris
    Jean Fautrier - Galerie Karsten Greve - Paris, Paris

  • 2004

    Jean Fautrier - Fondation Pierre Gianadda, Martigny

  • 2003

    Jean Fautrier - Fogg Museum, Cambridge, MA
    Jean Fautrier: 1898–1964 - Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery - Columbia University, New York City, NY

  • 2002

    Jean Fautrier - 1898-1964 - Haggerty Museum of Art - Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
    Jean Fautrier - Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI

  • 2001

    JEAN FAUTRIER - Akte - 36 Zeichnungen und eine Skulptur - Michael Werner Kunsthandel, Cologne
    Jean Fautrier: Nudes - Michael Werner Gallery - New York, New York City, NY

  • 2000

    Jean Fautrier - Early Paintings - Galleri Bo Bjerggaard, Copenhagen

  • 1999

    Jean Fautrier - 1898-1964 - Das graphische Werk - Galerie Orangerie-Reinz, Cologne

  • 1998

    Jean Fautrier - 100 years - Moderna Museet, Stockholm
    Jean Fautrier - Villa Wessel, Iserlohn
    Jean Fautrier - Die Abenteuer des Körpers - Stadtmuseum Siegburg, Siegburg
    Jean Fautrier omaggio per il centenario della nascita - Galleria Seno, Milan
    Jean Fautrier: Black Nudes and Other Early Works - Michael Werner Gallery - New York, New York City, NY

  • 1997

    Jean Fautrier - Galerie 1900-2000, Paris

  • 1990

    Jean Fautrier - Museum Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden

  • 1986

    Jean Fautrier. Werke 1925-1935 - Kunsthaus Zürich, Zurich

  • 1985

    Fautrier - Musée des Beaux-Arts et de la Dentelle, Calais

  • 1983

    Jean Fautrier - Fuji Television Gallery, Tokyo

  • 1980

    Jean Fautrier - Gemälde, Skulpturen u. Handzeichnungen - Josef-Haubrich-Kunsthalle, Cologne

  • 1974

    Jean Fautrier - Akira Ikeda - Nagoya, Nagoya

  • 1973

    Jean Fautrier - Galerie Schmela, Dusseldorf
    Jean Fautrier - Kunstverein in Hamburg, Hamburg

  • 1970

    Jean Fautrier. oils, gouaches, drawings, sculpture - Staempfli Gallery, New York City, NY

  • 1967

    Jean Fautrier - Galería René Metras, Barcelona

  • 1965

    Jean Fautrier - Galerie Schmela, Dusseldorf

  • 1963

    Jean Fautrier. Målningar 1921–1963 - Moderna Museet, Stockholm
    Jean Fautrier - Galleria L'Attico, Rome

  • 1961

    Jean Fautrier - Galerie Schmela, Dusseldorf

  • 1959

    Jean Fautrier: paintings, gouaches, drawings - Hanover Gallery, London
    Jean Fautrier. Opere Dal 1928 A Oggi - Galleria L'Attico, Rome

  • 1958

    Jean Fautrier - Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen
    Fautrier 1928-1958 - Institute of Contemporary Arts, London
    Fautrier - Kunstverein Freiburg, Freiburg

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