Francesco Vella

- Selected Work

Siamo nati nella grande pianura
Acrylic on mdf
46 cm

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- Biography

Francesco Vella, born in Caneggio (Switzerland) in 1954, having completed his compulsory education, he attended the High School of Commerce of Bellinzona then enrolled at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan, where he graduated in 1980 with Prof. Zeno Birolli.
In 1986 he presents his first solo exhibition.

The artistic research of Vella begins in the early eighties with a series of post-informal experiences where he pasted objects and images taken from many different cultural contexts within the magmatic color, thus highlighting the overlap of disordered and heterogeneous forces and impulses, of knowledge, facts, information, memories and images that come together and live together – more or less harmoniously – in each of us, making it a conglomeration of items, a physical cultural and psychological realities in constant motion, impossible to define.
Since its inception, the painting of Vella is intended as a reflection on the complex and changing concept of identity in relation to what surrounds us and fills us.

He lives and works in Chiasso, Switzerland.

- Exhibitions
  • 2018

    Max Museo, Chiasso

  • 2017

    Repetto Gallery London
    Galerie Vogtei Herrliberg/ Zurigo
    Glattzentrum RNR / Zurigo Wallisellen
    Wopart, work on paper fair, Lugano, stand De Primi Fine Art

  • 2016

    Must Gallery, Lugano
    Wopart, work on paper fair, Lugano, stand De Primi Fine Art.

  • 2015

    “Arte e poesia”, Civica Galleria d’Arte Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona

  • 2014

    BSI, Locarno

  • 2013

    "Silvano Repetto e Francesco Vella. L’uovo cosmico – Scritture elettriche e opere scelte", De Primi Fine Art, Lugano

  • 2011

    Michele Balmelli Gallery, Lugano

  • 2008

    "Sguardi sulla collezione. Ricerche artistiche in Ticino dal 1970 ad oggi", Museo Cantonale d'Arte, Lugano
    “Sage comme un’image, Arte Svizzera – Oltre l’Enigma”, Galleria Palladio, Lugano

  • 2007

    Finter Bank, Lugano

  • 2006

    "L’immagine del vuoto. Una linea di ricerca dell’arte in Italia 1958 - 2006", Museo Cantonale d’Arte di Lugano

  • 2005

    Lattuada Studio, Milano. Catalogo (Guglielmo Gigliotti)

  • 2004

    Pinacoteca Canto naie Giovanni Zust, Rancate. Catalogo (Christian Marazzi)
    Städtische Galerie Dortmund

  • 2003

    Stile Libero, Chiasso
    Museo Cantonale di Lugano
    Civica Galleria d'Arte di Villa Ciani di Lugano

  • 2002

    Galileria Palladio, Lugano. Catalogo (Bettina Della Casa).
    Ernst & Young, Lugano

  • 2001

    Fiera Internazionale d'Arte Contemporanea Bologna. Catalogo. Stand Galleria Palladio.

  • 1998

    Galleria Palladio, Lugano. Catalogo (Magda Sohns-Petraglio).

  • 1994

    Galleria Palladio, Lugano. Catalogo (Giorgio Zanchetti).

  • 1993

    Galleria Spazio XXI, Bellinzona. Catalogo (Luigi Cavadini).

  • 1992

    Cité Internationale des Arts, Parigi.

  • 1991

    Galleria Palladio, Lugano. Catalogo (Gastone Mandozzi).

  • 1988

    Salone San Francesco, Musei Civici Como. Catalogo.

  • 1987

    Galleria Margine, Zurigo. Catalogo (Testo di Walter Schbnenberger).

  • 1986

    Sala Corso, Chiasso.

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